Friday, June 22, 2007

Its Raining Yipeee !!!

Yipeeeeeeee its raining , its raining yeaaaaaaa….

You know what I love about the rains, they bring out the silence in me, I feel nostalgic, I am upbeat, I feel romantic and more importantly I feel just so great with all the freshness and greenery around.

While right now in this concrete jungle all I can spot is an overflowing drains, garbage and monster bikes and cars with agitated and frequently honking denizens inside. They surely have no clue on how to enjoy a rainy day. Honestly I too was in the rat race about a month back and as I am writing this post, I am sure unless I have a deadline I would be just right out there getting my free spirit soaked.

And that’s exactly what I did, rushed home, changed over and just rode a little distance to have an uninterrupted view of the city sans its burgeoning traffic and infrastructure woes. The city is great and having said that apart from the climate and intense competition which is good for my career prospects there is nothing so great about it. All the problems that can be associated with urbanization can be found here and it’s only going to get worse.

But hey what the hell, I am just going to be around for a short time more now and who knows perhaps come back and be buried here. I would love to settle down in my this adopted homeland for reasons mentioned above and more but then writing about them would warrant an all together different post :)

But then I am more of an realist and lesser of a romantic and in spite of the fact that I would love to walk in the rain with someone I love, not worry about getting sick the next day etc or generally just letting the feeling of sheer bliss soak in I am yet to come across that someone special who can retain the feeling within me each time I see the rain.

Besides it would take a lot more than just feelings to tolerate an obnoxious buffoon like me and it’s only the seriously “brave” who might want to take a chance. Lesser mortals have fallen flat on their face and once so have I, so I guess there goes the romancing in the rains idea…..

The best bet for a rainy day as such if you cannot step out would you be top yourself with your favorite drink on your balcony or an open space, sit back, relax and soak in the calmness that the environment brings. Suddenly the world ceases to exist and lost in your own world, you experience the sheer power that belief in oneself brings!!!

Rain drops are falling rapidly on me and I am soaked within seconds but yet I just can’t seem to have enough of it. Sorry can’t help it, It’s not always that I am so spirited and optimistic not at least for the past few months :).

Enjoy the rains dearies……………….


At Saturday, June 23, 2007 at 11:36:00 AM GMT+5:30, Blogger Kavi said...

Oh ! The rains ! They usher in a different feeling altogether !


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